July 16-21, 2025

At the Branson Convention Center in Branson, Missouri

2025/07/16 18:00:00

August 15-21, 2025

At the Sevierville Convention Center in Sevierville, TN

2025/08/15 18:00:00

A workshop for every member
of the Lord's Church.

Stir up the gift of God which is in you - 2 Timothy 1:6

The Power of an Idea

Polishing the Pulpit began with three friends getting together to brainstorm sermon ideas. We soon invited other friends, and someone said, “This is great! We should tell others.”

We did and invited a speaker to discuss sermon preparation and give sample sermons. Interest increased; more speakers were invited. We moved to a hotel conference area. We dreamed big. “Let’s invite the best speakers in the brotherhood and see who we can get.” They came. Wives wanted in, so we added women’s classes. While these great speakers were assembled in one place, we decided to offer classes for elders. They loved it. People began coming from all over the country.

Youth workers and deacons became interested. We added tracks for them. PTP moved to a larger event center in the Smoky Mountains. Attendance approached 1,000. Christians from other nations began coming.

“Why don’t you have classes for regular members?” we were asked. So we added the Spiritual Renewal Weekend, as well as tracks for members, teens, and children. Attendance passed 5,000.

That brings us to today. What does God have in store for PTP? Come and see!


Spend hours in God’s Word examining specific chapters and verses.


Learn new skills and approaches to help your local congregation.


Study today’s hot topics and current events and their impact on Christianity.





We have over 700 sessions and 150 speakers each year, all focused on bringing God the glory.

Classes per hour (on average)
Goal: To Glorify God

PTP is for everyone!

Click/tap below to see how you can benefit from attending



Preachers from all over the world attend PTP. Whether you have been preaching for one year or fifty, you will enjoy the fellowship and benefit from the practical and textual classes at PTP.



PTP offers over 60 hours of instruction solely for elders. From legal advice, hiring practices, motivating members, church discipline, church growth, textual emphasis, to problem-solving we provide practical classes to help you lead your flock.



Often the front-line of a congregation’s projects, these men receive practical classes related to their unique and important role.

Youth Workers

Youth Workers

The souls of children, teens, and college students are invaluable to Christ. Those who teach them the Scriptures, convert them to Jesus, and help them grow to maturity in Christ, therefore, render eternal benefit to the kingdom. Find helpful lessons and materials in these PTP classes.



With over 100 classes for women, you can choose from textual studies taught from a woman’s point of view and topics including serving as a preacher/elder’s wife, teaching Bible classes, marriage/parenting, encouraging/supporting your husband, evangelizing, homeschooling, and much more.



Single Christians face unique struggles, and sometimes feel neglected in local congregations. PTP offers special classes for singles, and we host single mingle sessions where you can meet other single Christians.



PTP is sometimes assumed to be an event only for preachers, but it is great for “regular” Christians too. PTP offers classes relating to practically every area of Christians’ lives—spiritual growth, marriage/family, evangelism, answers the tough questions, and easy-to-understand but in-depth studies of important Bible topics.



Hundreds of teens come to PTP each year. Classes address subjects such as developing talents, finding your role in the church, friendship, resisting temptation, dating, proper use of technology, and preparing their faith for college. Late Nights at PTP are special times for youth to spend time in fellowship with one another by playing supervised games and enjoying devotionals and singing.



Nearly 1,000 children ages 2-12 come to PTP each year. Your children are always under the direct supervision of 2-3 Christian adults, and they will be busy learning while you enjoy your classes. Once you bring children once, they beg to return. This is no charge for children’s classes, childcare, or events (such as Bible bowl, missions forum, and a carnival the last day).


Sound Bible Teaching

Sound doctrine is expected, emphasized, and supported at PTP. Every PTP presenter is vetted for soundness in the faith. Every lesson is based firmly in Scripture. You will learn the Bible and will leave more confident of what God expects of you and how to communicate that to your family, friends, and others.


Ever spent a week studying, worshipping, and singing with 5,000 other Christians? You should.

Memories for a Lifetime

A generation has now grown up with PTP. The friends they first met at PTP are now their college friends and, in a few cases, marriage companions. Most PTPers still remember their first PTP; they speak nostalgically of it. It is the highlight of the year for many families. It is not unusual to hear parents say their children chose to come to PTP rather than go to Disney World or other family vacation. Most who come once, come every year.

Family Friendly

There is something for everyone at PTP. Children, teens, singles, couples, families, widows, empty-nesters. It is the one event the entire family looks forward to every year and counts down the days until they can return.

Practical Lessons

PTP began as a workshop. Ideas. Panels. “This is what we do, it might work for you.” 2-Minute idea sessions. 7-Minutes of wisdom sessions. The emphasis is not ivory-tower but down-to-earth. There are scholars’ classes but presenters in all classes are asked to present material that people can take back to congregations and put into practice. Your notebook will be full; your mind will be racing. Your heart will be rejoicing.


The motto says it all: Renew. Refresh. Recharge.


Branson is $199 per adult and Sevierville is $249 per adult

Per adult. Children/teens attend for free with parents. Widows/widowers (ages 60+), full-time college students, and people who live/work overseas (6-months a year) qualify for tuition rate of only $50!

Have questions?

We would love to hear from you!



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