Event Feedback
Please note the following before offering suggestions:
Food:<.b> There are food carts and daily meals on site. PTP does not run these carts and does not make money on food. PTP gets to have no input on pricing.
Parking: To relieve congestion and clear lines faster, encourage parking in the deck
beside Wilderness Hotel. Still, we are a large group.
Crowds:PTP gets bigger each year. Feedback says that most prefer staying at this
location. So, we opened additional exits and “express lanes” for getting out and around
the Events Center. Classes in smaller rooms often fi ll up. We cannot make the rooms
bigger, so the choice is to use the rooms or leave them empty. To off er the widest
variety of classes, we take advantage of the rooms. Some overfill. Fortunately, if one
misses a class, they can hear it later on the fl ash drive.
Be specific but kind. Saying “Some speakers did not stay on topic” or “were unprepared” is not helpful for we do not know what speaker you mean.