First things first: no individual or entity profits from Polishing the Pulpit.
We only charge a tuition to cover the costs related to having the event, such as the event space, speakers, and staffing. In fact, Polishing the Pulpit does not fully cover its cost, and the difference is made up through individual and congregational donations.
Children attend for free with parents or legal guardians, such as grandparents. If your congregation wants to send a group of young people, the tuition is $100/teenager.
Times with no tuition fees:
- At Branson, Wednesday, July 16, from 6:30 p.m., and Sunday, July 20, are free.
- At Sevierville, Sunday, August 17; Wednesday, August 20, after 4:30 p.m.; and Thursday, August 21, are free.
There is a scholarship program for those who cannot afford the registration fee for PTP. Scholarship applications for 2025 are closed.