1. Information for PTP App
Our attendees love the PTP app, and we encourage speakers to take advantage of the unique abilities that the app provides.
Since moderators will no longer be placed in each room to introduce you or to begin the class, we are asking all speakers to submit updated biographies and headshots to us as soon as possible. You can check the PTP app for your bio if you would like to update it. Please submit this information no later than Monday, June 30 for Branson and Monday, August 4 for Sevierville.
If you’d like to submit or update your speaker information or add your email address to your bio, please email the information to Chelsea@housetohouse.com. We recommend speakers share their email address, as it’s the most convenient and least obtrusive way for attendees to get in touch with you for follow-up questions.
Some notes on your biography:
- Please submit in paragraph (not bullet) form.
- Since we use these bios throughout the years, please use general lengths of times and refrain from placing ages in your biography.
- Bad example: Joe and Kim have been married for 14 years and have three children: Frank (10), Sue (8), and Tammy (4). They’ve worked with the Central Church of Christ for eight years.
- Better example: Joe and Kim have been married for over a dozen years and have three children: Frank, Sue, and Tammy. They work with the Central Church of Christ.
Attendees often ask us/speakers for copies of their material. The best way to distribute this information quickly is through the app. Please send your PowerPoints/references to Chelsea@housetohouse.com and he will upload to the app. Please be sure to indicate which lessons the materials are for.
Please do not tell attendees that materials will be available in the app unless you email them to us in advance! We do not collect the materials that you upload to the various computers while at PTP. If you want your material shared in the app, you must email the files to us by Monday, June 30 for Branson and Monday, August 4 for Sevierville!
2. PowerPoint Guidelines
All screens will project at 16×9 resolution. If you want to use your own laptop (Mac or PC), it will need to be able to plug into an HDMI cord. If you have further questions about presentations, please email Chelsea Jones (Chelsea@housetohouse.com).
PowerPoint: We require all speakers to submit PowerPoints for all lessons in EHA at Branson and EHB at Sevierville for review. The deadline is June 15 for Branson and July 31 for Sevierville. We are doing this due to copyright concerns and for better video/PTP365. All presentations must adhere to our style guidelines found below. PCs and projectors will be available in all classes.
Style Guidelines
We have created a video covering the material below. Click/tap here to view it (8 minutes).
- Keep your presentation simple – people want to hear your voice, not read your slides
- Bullet points should be easy to read
- Keep font size large (minimum size 32)
- Your material, not the presentation, is the focus
- Generally, no more than 10 slides per presentation
- Additional material/references/longer quotes can be supplied via the app
- No more than 2 fonts per slide
- Sans serif fonts (Arial, Helvetica, Verdana) are easier to read (We recommend using the Lato font family. Click here to download.)
- Use at least a 32-point font (48 is better)
- If you are worried that your font is too small, it’s too small
- Use bold when you want something to stand out
- Italics are hard to read and are distracting
- Consider using the fonts and templates we provide
- No more than 5 bullets per slide
- No more than 6-7 words per bullet
- Keep wording concise
- Capitalize the first word, but no others (unless proper noun)
- Do not center your bullets. Always align bullets to the left.
- A presentation is not a book or handout, it’s a guide for thought. Less text is better.
- We can provide handouts/documents via the PTP app. Submit your longer quotes/material to us. Don’t add to your PowerPoint.
- Avoid excessive verbiage leading to excessively lengthy text that is not only redundant but also repetitive and reiterative. Too much text makes it difficult to see and process the information. People will either try to read everything or copy down everything and will quickly lose interest. (Don’t make slides like this bullet point!)
- Use more slides, list only the key points, and add the details verbally.
- If you need to include a graphic, place it to the left of text.
- Do not stretch graphics. Hold shift while resizing your graphic to maintain correct dimensions.
- Obtain permission from the copyright owner.
- Avoid long, flashy animations. They are distracting. We recommend only using fades.
- Be consistent with animations throughout your presentation.
3. Remember the 10 Commandments of PTP
- Thou shalt not simply trot out thine average, B+ presentation. Strive for the best thou hast ever done.
- Thou shalt make it scriptural. Bible verses are not optional.
- Thou shalt use illustrations.
- Thou shalt not try to sell anything or raise money for any good work that thou wantest to do; lest thou be cast aside into utter darkness.
- Thou shalt not steal the time of them that follow thee or go beyond the time promised to those who hear you. Thou art not the exception to the rule.
- Thou shalt reveal thy passion for God, godliness, and souls.
- Thou shalt be practical. PTP is not an ivory tower; it is a workshop for workers.
- Thou shalt not flaunt thine ego. Be humble if thou wilt be great.
- Thou shalt not read thy speech. Boring speakers art not invited back.
- Thou shalt remember all the while: someone in your class really needs you to do a great job. Prepare long. Present with enthusiasm. Pray often before arriving.