Perhaps few roles are as encompassing and have an individual wear so many hats as that of preaching. Differing expectations of preachers occur on a congregational basis, leadership basis and even on an individual basis. And then there’s also the personal expectations of the preacher himself! Recent evidence suggests that the average congregation expects, based upon the time they estimate should be involved in his areas of work, for a preacher to work a minimum of 114 hours a week!
Consider the following roles / tasks of many of today’s preachers –
- Counselor/ wise man / sage
- Youth leader
- Communications expert
- Technology expert
- Bridge builder/consensus builder among various groups
- Liaison to community
- Cheerleader and spark plug
- Coach (evaluates talent and helps place people in areas of work)
- Fireman – putting out “fires”
- Ideas man / visionary / church growth strategist
- Friend of all
- Janitor and/or yard keeper
- Maintenance man
- Office manager
- Conflict management expert
- Mediator / intercessor
- Personal worker
- Educational director / teacher
- Constant Encourager
- Comforter and grief specialist
- Cook (men’s breakfasts, pot-lucks, etc)
- Model / example
- Mentor
- Great Husband
- Super Dad
- Visitor Extraordinaire
- Declarer of good news / Evangelist
- Committee member
- Missionary (missions strategist)
- Defender (of the faith and the church)
- Secretary
- Man of Prayer
- Officiant for weddings and funerals
- Student and Life-long Learner
- Historian of Christianity and local congregation
- Numbers Analyst
- Good Steward of Finances
- Public Speaker
- Indefatigable (hardly ever gets tired)
- Rarely discouraged and almost never has personal family “needs”)
- Editor (bulletin / newspaper / etc)
- Advertising Specialist
- Taxi Driver / chauffeur / mechanic
- Event Coordinator (seminars, workshops, gospel meetings, etc)
- Congregational Leader (without ever over-stepping bounds or hurting someone’s feelings)
- Benevolence Distributor
- Checks on new members
- Checks on delinquents
- Identifies sick and hurting
- Debriefs others to aid communication
- Pulpit Master (sermon prep and delivery)
- Hospitality Pacesetter
- Curriculum Writer & Evaluator
- Excellent Exegete
- Servant
- Thick skinned and long-suffering to personal offense, yet sensitive and empathizing regarding others.
- Cultural Analyst
- Generous giver to various good causes (congregational and community)
- Creative and fresh, yet standing in the “old paths” and holding to the “Rock of Ages.”
- Etc., etc., etc.
The purpose of this lengthy list is not to whine or complain. Most of the preachers I know sincerely love God, His word and people and are “totally in” when it comes to ministry in God’s Kingdom. It is to indicate that many preachers may feel inadequate and overwhelmed. One of the greatest things you can do for your congregation in 2018 is to regularly pray for your preacher (Romans 15:30; Ephesians 6:18-20). Another is to be careful with unrealistic expectations -admittedly, few people indeed could excel in all the areas just mentioned. Finally, if one of the areas mentioned in the above “job description” fits you, volunteer to do it. By fulfilling your ministry and encouraging your preacher, you are helping him fulfill his (2 Timothy 4:5). And that will greatly bless the Lord’s church!
Mike Vestal